Australian Embassy

Australian adult passport requirements (PC8)

Australian adult passport requirements (PC8)

Documents required

If you are lodging an adult application using the form Application for an Australian Passport Overseas (PC8), you must bring the items below to your passport interview. All documents must be original. We do not accept copies of any kind, including those made by Notaries Public and Justices of the Peace.

  • Your fully completed application form.
  • Your most recent Australian passport (if you have one).
  • Proof of Australian citizenship – either your Australian birth certificate or Australian citizenship certificate.
  • If you were born in Australia after 20 August 1986, you need one of the documents below:
    • Your previous Australian passport issued on/after 1/1/2000 (not reported lost or stolen); or
    • One parent’s Australian birth certificate; or
    • One parent’s Australian citizenship certificate, showing citizenship was acquired before your date of birth; or
    • One parent’s Australian passport (issued after 20/8/86) that was valid at the time of your birth; or
    • An Australian citizenship certificate of your own.
  • Proof of your place of birth – choose from your birth certificate, Australian citizenship certificate or a passport (Australian or foreign).
  • Proof of your gender – either your birth certificate or a passport (Australian or foreign).
  • If you were born overseas and your document proving your place of birth/gender is in a different name to your citizenship certificate, you should bring a document to explain the change (eg. marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court order).
  • Translations of any documents not in English from one of our approved translators.
  • Approved ID Combination, including valid government-issued photo ID.
  • Proof of your address – this should be your Iraq address (unless you are simply passing through Iraq as a tourist in which case use your regular overseas address). You can choose from:
    • Driving licence
    • Motor vehicle registration or insurance (no more than 12 months old)
    • Property rates notes (no more than 12 months old)
    • Property lease agreement
    • Utility bill (no more than 12 months old)
    • Bank or credit card statement (no more than 12 months old)
  • If you are changing your name, you will need an approved name change document. If you are applying for a gratis passport due to name change, you will also need to bring the document that proves why you are applying for a gratis name change (eg. marriage certificate, divorce decree).
  • 2 compliant passport photos, one of which has been endorsed by your guarantor, less than six months old. (We will attach the photos for you.)
  • If you are replacing a lost, stolen or damaged passport, you will need a B11 statement [PDF] that explains how, when and where the incident occurred.
  • Visa or MasterCard for payment.

 Use this checklist to prepare for your interview

  • All supporting documents are original (photocopies and notarised copies not accepted).
  • Application form is sized correctly to fit on the paper you are using. Barcodes should be visible at the top of each page (81F, 82F, etc). The bottom of the page must not be cut off.
  • Guarantor has properly completed Section 11.
  • Guarantor is eligible and is not related to you by birth/marriage.
  • Guarantor has written on the back of one photo “This is a true photo of YOUR FULL NAME” and signed underneath.
  • No alterations or whiteout on signatures/dates at Sections 11, 17 and 18.
  • Australian date format (DD/MM/YYYY) used at Sections 11 and 17.
  • Sections 11 and 17 are dated within six months of your interview date.
  • Your signatures at Section 17 and 18 are completely inside the boxes.
  • Photos checked for size and quality. Use a magnifying glass to ensure they are not grainy, blurry, pixilated or striped. There should be no flash reflection or shadows.

If your application does not meet the requirements above, please contact Australian Embassy in Baghdad for advice. For more detailed information on these requirements, please go to

Please note we cannot accept application forms obtained in Australia as these are for Australian use only.